Thursday, February 27, 2014

Muffin Top Update!

Well I’m thrilled to say that the film is in final film finishing, color correction and all of the final stages of the process.  It’s so exciting and the movie is looking and sounding gorgeous.

We are also in the final stages of deciding on which cities will be on the tour this June.  Look for an announcement from us here, and on Facebook, next week.

Meanwhile, the Muffin Top Revolution is already happening.  Every day, the conversation is growing among women who joyfully reject shame based beauty advertising, and ideals of beauty that are unrealistic for all of us.

Movie star Jennifer Lawrence recently said, when discussing the crazy beauty ideals in Hollywood, “In Hollywood, I’m obese.”

And this new Muffin Top rap video from our Facebook friend Erin Keany has gone viral, was featured on The Today Show and on the Huffington Post!

It’s hilarious and we love it.  More than anything, we love that people are already responding to the message of our movie: “Beauty Is Not An Age, Size or Color.”

If you love yourself, true love will follow.
