Saturday, September 28, 2013

Hey Everyone, the Grrl Genius Blog is BACK!  Not to brag on myself but back in 2007 when I was blogging for iVillage, The Grrl Genius Blog was the number one trafficked blog on, and was named Best of the Web by The Wall Street Journal!  

(Oh wait, that was a brag, oh well, what do you expect from someone who refers to themselves as a genius?  You can't say you weren't warned) 

Anyway having the iVillage Blog meant I got to go on the Today Show and flirt with David Gregory, who was used to covering more important topics than how not to date Mr. Wrong.

Meanwhile, my husband, W. Bruce "Mr. Right" Cameron was very supportive of the whole thing, despite the early morning David Gregory flirting.  

So I loved the blog and the friends I made and the incredible community I had there, and then I had to leave because I'm a member of the Writers Guild of America, and they decided it would be fun to go on strike. (It wasn't) and iVillage is owned by NBC Universal, which meant I couldn't work for them anymore and instead got to walk around in driveways wearing an unattractive t-shirt (Note to self: Elect a woman President of the Writer's Guild so we can have cuter T-shirts next time we go on strike.  Additional note to self: Also, don't go on strike).

But I decided it was time to bring the blog back because I wrote (with Mr. Right) a movie and directed as well, and I want to get the old gang back together to talk about what this movie is about:

Body Image, and how it ruins our lives until we finally get over it. 

The message of this movie is that life is what happens when you are worrying about losing weight.  If you learn to love the skin you are in, your life will get one thousand times better (actual figure!) 

So that's what this blog will be about, knowing that most of us will never get fully over it, that even supermodels feel fat, but that we don't want to let life pass us by while we wait to lose "That Ten Pounds."

I hope you'll stick around for the conversation.  And the occasional piece of cake.  



Thursday, September 19, 2013

Welcome to the official Muffin Top: A Love Story blog!!!